

  • Manuel kingman Pontificia Universidad Católica del Quito, Ecuador.
  • Jaime Sánchez Santillán Pontificia Universidad Católica del Quito, Ecuador.


Universidad, Comunidad, Prácticas artísticas, Arte dialógico, Investigación-creación


This paper analyzes the practices and projects developed in the workshop of the Visual Arts Program of the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador (PUCE): “Local Experiences.” In this educational space, art is used as an instrument for the elaboration of projects that relate artistic practices and diverse community social processes. The essay proposes a critical view of the workshop and analyzes some of the educational projects. It also reflects on artistic research and the approach processes in communities. Finally, it brings into discussion the role of cultural and academic institutions that are involved in this workshop.


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How to Cite

kingman, M., & Sánchez Santillán, J. (2018). Español. Dimensión Antropológica, 71, 92–115. Retrieved from


