Published 2023-09-30
- museum, history, inclusion.
How to Cite
De la utilidad de los museos para la vida. (2023). Antropología. Revista Interdisciplinaria Del INAH, 12, 298-304. https://revistas.inah.gob.mx/index.php/antropologia/article/view/19891
Museums are a tool of intelligence: they are thinking machines. Today they take us through historical time, through the customs of the world’s inhabitants, through the currents of artistic creativity, through the “realms” of natural history. It will not be like that in the future; the usefulness of museums for life will run through the relationship of the human being as a biological being and the universe as its habitat. Museums recompose the world.
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- SARAMAGO, José (2011), El último cuaderno, prólogo de Umberto Eco, Madrid, Alfaguara.
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