Sexualmente no identificados: Aproximación al nomadismo sexual entre jóvenes mexicanos
Published 2005-12-31
- Identidad sexual,
- nomadismo sexual,
- Jóvenes
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The existence in our culture over the past two centuries of a mechanism of sexuality based on a biomedic and psychological "sexual science" has as one of its consequences the proliferation of classifying labels with a tendency to evolve into sexual identities to which individuals must conformo Given their ethnocentric and anachronic character, conternporary sexology presents our categories of sexual classification as anthropological universals, something not confirmed by the emic study (under its own cateqorization) of other cultures. Likewise, within the heart of our societies, forms of sexual praxis are currently present that elude transposition within hegemonic categorizations. In a similar vein, individuals who practice this nomadic sexuality evade belonging to exclusionary sexual identities. Here we explore the case of young Mexicans who cannot be identified by their sexual practices and attitudes, opening up another dimension for the study of sexual diversity.