Published 2018-12-31
- hermafrodita,
- homosexual,
- cosmovisión,
- masculinidad,
- feminidad
- hermaphrodite,
- world view,
- masculinity,
- femininity ...More
How to Cite
In this investigation, I will analize the idea of the hermaphrodite, cathegorized by Sahagún in his work Historia General de las cosas de la Nueva España, as a kind of bad woman, considering that in the sixteenth century medical studies about individuals who presented both biological features had barely begun to be done. I seek to create a new discussion about how homosexuality was seen by the nahuas, how its action was projected as a trangression, and to compare feminine and masculine homosexuality because the conceptualization of each one generated, due to hierarchical differences, a distinct rejection/tolerance context for each of them. This will be done through the analysis of masculinity and femininity construction related to war and fertility in the mexica society and through the analysis of teotipos pursued as man and woman ideals.