Vol. 1 No. 9 (2018)

VIH: impacto en la vida de las mujeres

Mario Antoniode Jesús Romero Morales
Centro Universitario de Estudios de Género de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
Antonio Romero Garza
Instituto Estatal de las Mujeres, Nuevo León

Published 2018-12-31


  • mujeres,
  • VIH/sida,
  • vulnerabilidad,
  • women,
  • vulnerability
  • ...More

How to Cite

VIH: impacto en la vida de las mujeres. (2018). Revista De Estudios De Antropología Sexual, 1(9), 115-131. https://revistas.inah.gob.mx/index.php/antropologiasexual/article/view/14843


This article shows the results of a research done back in te year 2009 with women who live with hiv/aids in the metropolitan area in Monterrey, Mexico. The research purpose was to know the good and bad treatment informants live in their families and in the medical services they are treated at. Using a qualitative methodology, indepth interviews were carried out so informants described three moments: how they found out they had hiv, how their families and medical personnel treat them and what means they have developed to avoid, block or reduce a discrimination and violence episode. Likewise, we noticed that self-help groups presence favors this vulnerable group to face discrimination and agression situations in different spheres of their lifes, mostly in health institutions and in their family relationships, which allows them to identify with their equals in order to provide orientation to new patients who are victims of lack of information on how to live with HVI.


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