La construcción de categorías sociales e identidades sexuales a través del léxico sobre la masturbación en español
Published 2023-01-17
- Masturbation,
- Identity,
- Category,
- Speech,
- Collective knowledge
Copyright (c) 2021 Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia
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This article aims to show, through the historical-semantic revision of the term masturbation, how a discursive category recognizable in western society was formed from its lexical definition as a sexual practice that, before being characterized through language, was just that: a practice without positive or negative connotations. On this basis, we then proceed to the non-exhaustive compilation of the expressions used in Spanish (with emphasis on The Spanish of Mexico) to analyze how, through three semantic fields that are formed with them, the identities of the individuals who use them can be constructed and identified.
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