Vol. 1 No. 12 (2021)

Entre el “deber ser” y el “nido vacío”. Modos de envejecer de las lesbianas argentinas

Fernando Rada Schultze
Programa de Envejecimiento de Flacso y Universidad de Buenos Aires

Published 2023-01-17


  • Aging,
  • Old Age,
  • Diversity,
  • Life courses

How to Cite

Entre el “deber ser” y el “nido vacío”. Modos de envejecer de las lesbianas argentinas. (2023). Revista De Estudios De Antropología Sexual, 1(12), 165-190. https://revistas.inah.gob.mx/index.php/antropologiasexual/article/view/18950


This article reflects on how older lesbians build their old age in their lifetimes. This a qualitative study case and was structured around a core idea: Old age is a social and individual construction and tied to the multiple processes we have throughout our lives. Thus, one of the main characteristics of old age and aging is diversity. Thus, taking into consideration sexual diversity as an element to analyze, this article studies the ways in which Argentine senior lesbians build their old age. In this regard, it will be observed the triple discrimination they suffer: age, for their sexual orientation and for being women, as well as the effects of having to follow certain roles and social mandates associated with the female gender. Qualitative techniques will be used for information gathering, such as life stories to give an account of their trajectories and, therefore recover their memories. At the same time, this will allow us to know the turning points that during their life courses have given them a different kind of old age and this way to build a typology on the characteristics of its aging and old age.


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