Published 2024-04-16
- obesity, over weight, biocultural aproach, health anthropology, sexuality.
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During recent years, several studies have shown that overweight and obesity are present in seven out of every 10 inhabitants of Mexico. However, a large part of the strategies to address weight problems, and even the studies carried out, have a quantitative perspective, related to eating habits, lifestyles and physical activity, but others have been left aside, such as body self-perception,
sexuality or sexual and reproductive health. The above allows us to delimit a public health problem, but not at an individual level, so its approach from the anthropology of health, from a biocultural perspective, provides new horizons on different impactful topics in the lives of those who have been diagnosed with obesity. Among these, the exercise of sexuality through the identification of the response mechanisms observable in their care trajectories and therapeutic itineraries that are granted by a public health institution to know the construction of their body image, sexuality and eroticism. Therefore, the approach of the study model project and the
contextual advances of the research problem are presented.
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