Dimensión Antropológica 2024-04-05T12:45:16-06:00 Delia Salazar Anaya Open Journal Systems <p>Revista cuatrimestral, dedicada a la difusión científica de la dimensión antropológica sobre las problemáticas contemporáneas y la realidad nacional e internacional, pasada y presente. Se incorpora a la fecunda tradición desarrollada por las publicaciones antropológicas del INAH desde 1994, en versión impresa. A partir de entonces, en sus páginas han confluido el pensamiento y las investigaciones desde distintas disciplinas como son la antropología física, la antropología social, la etnología, la lingüística, la etnohistoria, la arqueología y la historia. </p> Espacios de disputa y luchas alternativas frente al poder-Estado: experiencias diversas en México, Chile y Ecuador 2024-04-05T10:48:18-06:00 María Cristina Hernández Bernal Lizeth Pérez Cárdenas <p>En los textos de este <em>dossier </em>se da cuenta de las posibilidades emancipadoras que se articulan para enfrentar los retos actuales de conciliar la justicia social, entendida en sus propios términos, con las respuestas estatales, que permiten develar el tipo de Estado que se vive en cada uno de los territorios y que sigue esquemas jerárquicos, coloniales y patriarcales.</p> 2021-12-31T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Enrique Tovar Esquivel, Malos olores. Aromas corruptos, malsanos hedores y otros virulentos humores en la historia de los regiomontanos, México, UANL / INAH / Editorial Universitaria UANL (Documentos), 2019. 2024-04-05T12:29:22-06:00 Tomas Jalpa <p>Es un libro que invita a la reflexión sobre lo trivial e imperceptible y a que nos asomemos a la historia de las vivencias dentro del caleidoscopio humano. Historiar los aromas no es nada fácil, pues para ello es preciso hurgar en los archivos y encontrar las fuentes adecuadas que permitan trazar los nodos para construir un discurso a lo largo de un espacio temporal preciso. Esto lo hace el autor con gran tino, mostrándonos una veta de fuentes que, analizadas con el cuidado meticuloso de todo buen historiador, permiten acercarse a las diferentes formas de percibir los olores a lo largo de la historia de la urbe regiomontana.</p> 2021-12-31T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Inés Cornejo y Mario Rufer (eds.), Horizontalidad. Hacia una crítica de la metodología, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Clacso-Calas, 2020, 321 pp. 2024-04-05T12:38:49-06:00 Clementina Battcock <p>La obra colectiva <em>Horizontalidad. Hacia una crítica de la metodología </em>es una interpelación que incomoda e increpa al lector de manera directa y clara, ya que desde su introducción presenta una serie de problemas, propuestas, posibilidades y pendientes que son el resultado del trabajo, que varios investigadores han realizado por más de diez años, con el objetivo de explorar una metodología horizontal funcional para las humanidades y las llamadas ciencias sociales.</p> 2021-12-31T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 El continuo de las violencias contra las mujeres indígenas y su relación con el “nuevo orden” neoliberal: el caso de las mujeres mapuche rurales en el sur de Chile 2024-04-05T11:03:38-06:00 Carola Andrea Pinchulef Calfucur <p>The multiple forms of violence, which the women of the Mapuche movement in defense of the territory are victims of, make it clear that these go beyond the State. This is because Mapuche female leaderships face not only the forms of violence that emerge from contemporary policies, related to the large scale development of extractive projects in indigenous territories, and their resultant social conflicts, but also in the Mapuche communitarian spaces, such as domestic violence in the community and gender violence in Mapuche political instances. Consequently, the violence that Mapuche women experience, and the intensification of it, is directly related to the visibility that their leaders achieve in the so-called conflicto zones.</p> 2021-12-31T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Cambios y transformaciones políticas en Ecuador: las mujeres indígenas después de la Revolución Ciudadana 2024-04-05T11:23:16-06:00 Lizeth Pérez Cárdenas <p>The objective of this article is to show an overview of the situation of the rights of indigenous peoples in Ecuador at the end of the government of the socalled Citizen Revolution led by Rafael Correa (2007-2017) and the government of Lenin Moreno (2017-2021). At the same time, the aim is to show some of the ways in which indigenous women position themselves within different political spaces and their role within decision-making spaces are identified.</p> 2021-12-31T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Desmontando narrativas de inacción en clave territorial de género: campesinas mestizas de la región Costa del Ecuador se autoconstruyen como actoras sociales 2024-04-05T11:35:29-06:00 Estefanía Baquerizo Carchi <p>The ability of <em>mestiza </em>female peasants from the Coastal region of Ecuador to become social actors, organize themselves and resist has hardly been studied as part of it’s rural historiography. Through the life story of Graciela “Chelita” Araújo from the Pedro Carbo canton, this article intends to acknowledge and value the struggle and organizing efforts of female peasants from Guayas province whom, like her, were protagonists of the claims for the ownership of agricultural land property rights since the 1970s, when the second Agrarian Reform and Colonization Law was implemented in Ecuador.</p> 2021-12-31T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Claroscuros: entre la paridad de género y la violencia política en México en el contexto de la Cuarta Transformación (4T) 2024-04-05T11:46:26-06:00 Mónica Rosado Toledo <p>With gender parity, it has been shown that although it is supported by the legislative, substantively there are different kinds of resistance to avoid share spaces&nbsp;to decide politically with women. Political violence against women in México has increased as they have been integrated into the political sphere at different levels of government, as mayors, deputies, senators, etc. This phenomenon that women deal was initially called “participation costs”; spaces to decide, particularly political ones, have been culturally occupied by men and when they –woman– are integrated, they are perceived as transgressors and attacks on them are justified when they participate politically. In this paper I analyze some cases occurred within current 4T government.</p> 2021-12-31T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Procesos de consulta, pueblos originarios y falsa representatividad: un análisis crítico en el caso de los foros consultivos en La Montaña de Guerrero, México 2024-04-05T12:02:36-06:00 María Cristina Hernández Bernal <p>The 6th article of the agreement 169 from the OIT, it states that governments should consult the peoples concerned, through appropriate procedures and in particular through their representative institutions, all actions that are likely to affect them. The actual Mexican government has initiated different spaces that pretend to promote the participation from the “Pueblos Originarios” and at the same time, showing itself, as an inclusive government. These democratic practices have been retorted and, in some cases, there have been public forums that are announced as process of “a free, informed and culturally appropriate previous consultation”. However, these consultations are not regulated, and these are not representative practices. The case of the advisory forums made 2019 by the deputies from the politic party “Movimiento de Regeneración Nacional” that belongs to the “Congreso de Guerrero”.</p> 2021-12-31T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Craadet: defensa del territorio en La Montaña de Guerrero, México 2024-04-05T12:15:21-06:00 Iván Oropeza Bruno <p>This article presents my experience in the struggle process of the mè’phàà and tu’un savi peoples of the Mountain region of Guerrero State opposite to the mining concessions, The origin of which is in opposition to the project to create the Biosphere Reserve, which was intended to cover about 160,000 hectares of the territory that they have inhabited ancestral. This struggle resulted in the formation of the Regional Council of Agrarian Authorities in Defense of the Territory; community organization that allows to establish a relation of work and cooperation&nbsp;between the different Agrarian Nuclei in order to report in the first moment on the&nbsp;possible aftereffects of the project of the reservation, and later on the affectations of the various mining projects concessioned within its territory. The exhibition also shows my collaboration in one of the strategies and at the same time mechanism of defense of their territories: the creation of communal statutes.</p> 2021-12-31T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024 LOS ALTOS DE LA BOTICA ANTIGUA, UNA GALERÍA FOTOGRÁFICA EN CHIHUAHUA, 1866-1877 2024-04-05T12:22:33-06:00 Jorge Meléndez Fernández <p>La galería de fotografía como espacio de recreación de la realidad, lugar de exhibición y venta de retratos y de vistas, cumplió con una función social y ocupó un sitio particular en la ciudad de Chihuahua entre las décadas de 1860 y 1870.</p> 2021-12-31T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2024