Publicado 2001-12-31
Cómo citar
Reseña de publicaciones y bibliografía. (2001). Gaceta De Museos, 23-24, 86-89.
Sin resumen.
Los datos de descarga todavía no están disponibles.
ASM. 1996. Documentation standards far automatic data processing in Mammalogy. Version 2.0.
American Society of Mammalogists Committee on lnformation Retrieval (S. B. Melaren, Chair),
Pittsburgh, PA, EUA, 1(1 )-Vlll(2).
Anonymous. 1987. Paleontological Collecting. National Academy Press, Washington, D. C.
Baker, R. J. et al. 1998. Bioinfarmatics, museums and society: integrating biological data far knowledgebased decisions. Museum of Texas Tech University, Occasional Papers, 187:1-4.
Bloom, J. L., E. A. Powell 111, E. C. Hicks y M. E. Munley. 1984. Museums far a new century. American Association of Museums, Washington, D. C., EUA, 146 pp.
Buck, R. A. y J. A. Gilmore (editores). 1998. The new museum registration methods. American
Association of Museums, Washington, D. C., XVII+ 427 pp. AM139 .N4 1998.
Carter, D. y A. K. Walker (editores). 1999. Care and conservation of natural history collections.
Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, England, XXII+ 226 pp.
Cato, P. S. y C. Janes (editores). 1991. Natural History Museums. Directions far Growth. Texas Tech
University Press, Lubbock, Texas, EUA, IV + 252 pp. QH70 .A 1 N38 1991.
Cato, P. S., R. R. Waller, L. Sharo, J. Simmons y S. L. Williams. 1996. Developing staff resources far
managing collections. Virginia Museum of Natural History, Special Publications, 4:1-71.
CCPTP. 1991. Training far Collections Care and Maintenance: A suggested curriculum. Volume 111:
Natural Sciences. National lnstitute far the Conservation of Cultural Property, lnc., Washington, D. C., EUA, V + 94 pp.
Cohen, D. M. y R. F. Cressey (editores). 1969. Natural history collections. Past, present, future.
Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 82:559-762.
Collins, C. (editor). 1995. The care and conservation of paleontological material. Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford, Inglaterra, XI + 139 pp.
Corzo, M. A. y H. W. M. Hodges (coordinadores). 1987. In situ archaeological conservation.
Proceedings of meetings April 6-13 Mexico. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia y The Getty Conservation City, Century City, California, EUA, xxiv + 206 pp.
Davis, P. 1996. Museums and the Natural Environment. The role of Natural History Museums in
Biological Conservation. Leicester University Press, London, XVII + 286 pp.
QH70 .A 1038 1996
Dessauer, H. C. y M. S. Hafner. 1984. Collections of frozen tissues. Value, management, field and
laboratory procedures, and directory of existing collections. Association of Systematics Collections, Lawrence, Kansas, EUA, VI + 7 4 pp.
Diéguez, C. (editora). 1994. Manual de colecta, preparación y conservación de macrofósiles para
colecciones científicas. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Manuales Técnicos de Museología, 4:1-127.
Joaquín Arroyo-Cabrales y Félix Barboza-Retana. Laboratorio de Paleozoología, Subdirección de
Laboratorios y Apoyo Académico, INAH y Education Department, Museum of Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, EUA.
American Society of Mammalogists Committee on lnformation Retrieval (S. B. Melaren, Chair),
Pittsburgh, PA, EUA, 1(1 )-Vlll(2).
Anonymous. 1987. Paleontological Collecting. National Academy Press, Washington, D. C.
Baker, R. J. et al. 1998. Bioinfarmatics, museums and society: integrating biological data far knowledgebased decisions. Museum of Texas Tech University, Occasional Papers, 187:1-4.
Bloom, J. L., E. A. Powell 111, E. C. Hicks y M. E. Munley. 1984. Museums far a new century. American Association of Museums, Washington, D. C., EUA, 146 pp.
Buck, R. A. y J. A. Gilmore (editores). 1998. The new museum registration methods. American
Association of Museums, Washington, D. C., XVII+ 427 pp. AM139 .N4 1998.
Carter, D. y A. K. Walker (editores). 1999. Care and conservation of natural history collections.
Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, England, XXII+ 226 pp.
Cato, P. S. y C. Janes (editores). 1991. Natural History Museums. Directions far Growth. Texas Tech
University Press, Lubbock, Texas, EUA, IV + 252 pp. QH70 .A 1 N38 1991.
Cato, P. S., R. R. Waller, L. Sharo, J. Simmons y S. L. Williams. 1996. Developing staff resources far
managing collections. Virginia Museum of Natural History, Special Publications, 4:1-71.
CCPTP. 1991. Training far Collections Care and Maintenance: A suggested curriculum. Volume 111:
Natural Sciences. National lnstitute far the Conservation of Cultural Property, lnc., Washington, D. C., EUA, V + 94 pp.
Cohen, D. M. y R. F. Cressey (editores). 1969. Natural history collections. Past, present, future.
Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 82:559-762.
Collins, C. (editor). 1995. The care and conservation of paleontological material. Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford, Inglaterra, XI + 139 pp.
Corzo, M. A. y H. W. M. Hodges (coordinadores). 1987. In situ archaeological conservation.
Proceedings of meetings April 6-13 Mexico. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia y The Getty Conservation City, Century City, California, EUA, xxiv + 206 pp.
Davis, P. 1996. Museums and the Natural Environment. The role of Natural History Museums in
Biological Conservation. Leicester University Press, London, XVII + 286 pp.
QH70 .A 1038 1996
Dessauer, H. C. y M. S. Hafner. 1984. Collections of frozen tissues. Value, management, field and
laboratory procedures, and directory of existing collections. Association of Systematics Collections, Lawrence, Kansas, EUA, VI + 7 4 pp.
Diéguez, C. (editora). 1994. Manual de colecta, preparación y conservación de macrofósiles para
colecciones científicas. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Manuales Técnicos de Museología, 4:1-127.
Joaquín Arroyo-Cabrales y Félix Barboza-Retana. Laboratorio de Paleozoología, Subdirección de
Laboratorios y Apoyo Académico, INAH y Education Department, Museum of Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, EUA.