No. 96-97 (2017)

La decisión del reparto agrario de la Comarca Lagunera en el Archivo de Ramón Beteta

Ruth E. Arboleyda Castro
Dirección de Estudios Históricos, INAH

Published 2017-08-31


  • Ramón Beteta Quintana,
  • Reparto agrario,
  • Distritos ejidales,
  • Comarca Lagunera,
  • Lázaro Cárdenas

How to Cite

La decisión del reparto agrario de la Comarca Lagunera en el Archivo de Ramón Beteta. (2017). Historias, 96-97, 95-114.


This article, based on the study of material on the Comarca Lagunera in the Beteta Collection in the Colegio de Mexico Historical Archives, re-examines data on the massive land distribution in that region, approved by Lázaro Cárdenas in 1936, as well as its historical background, especially the formation of ejidal districts two years earlier. It also re-appraises the role of “second-string” figures on the political scene and hypothesizes about the reasons underlying action that profoundly impacted farmland in northern Mexico and established a political strategy that characterized the most radical years of the Cárdenas regime.


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