No. 99 (2018)

Apuntes, noticias y comentarios en torno al archivo íntimo de Francisco I. Madero

Fernando Guerrero Villagomez
Museo Arqueológico Municipal de Calixtlahuaca, Instituto de Cultura, Arte y Turismo de Toluca.
Maribel Piña Calva
Dirección de Registro Público de Monumentos y Zonas Arqueológicas e Históricos, INAH

Published 2018-04-30

How to Cite

Apuntes, noticias y comentarios en torno al archivo íntimo de Francisco I. Madero. (2018). Historias, 99, 87-94.


This article expresses different opinions and reflections on the origin and structure of the Francisco I. Madero Archive (afim), which is held in the National Palace by the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit. Cataloged and open to public consultation in the first years of the twenty-first century, this archive is one of the most important documentary sources for understanding the initial stages of the revolutionary movement of 1910.


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