No. 102 (2019)

Tipos de prisioneros mexicanos: tablas fotográficas de detenidos de la penitenciaría de Guadalajara (1899-1900) en la Colección Etnográfica Mexicana de Léon Diguet

Álvaro Rodríguez Luévano
Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia

Published 2020-12-04


  • Types,
  • photography,
  • prison,
  • portrait,
  • ethnography,
  • stereotypes,
  • anthropology,
  • criminals
  • ...More

How to Cite

Tipos de prisioneros mexicanos: tablas fotográficas de detenidos de la penitenciaría de Guadalajara (1899-1900) en la Colección Etnográfica Mexicana de Léon Diguet . (2020). Historias, 102, 44-64.


The article establishes a material and archival connection between the collection of French ethnographer Léon Diguet and some materials belonging to Mexican penitentiary institutions. The sample, which is not solely photographic, can be read from two contextual poles of his anthropological work: on the one hand, Mexico, with its places of importance, such as jails ad their prisoners, and the other, France, particularly Paris, where what is left of his ethnographic archive are held. This research also reflects on the future of a predominantly legal archive that at one time belonged to the Escobedo prison system in the city of Guadalajara, Jalisco, and whose fate completes a visual journey that helps us to understand how objectively the gaze of French ethnography of the time was constructed.


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