No. 85 (2013)

Comida y guerra entre los tarascos del siglo xv

Rodolfo Fernández
Centro INAH Jalisco

Published 2013-08-31


  • novohispano,
  • comida,
  • guerra,
  • michoacán

How to Cite


The purpose of this essay is to draw references from La Relación de Michoacán, a sixteenth- century document from New Spain, concerning food and war in the context of internal struggles tied to the unification that led to state formation in the Late Postclassic in Michoacán. It deals with passages of great descriptive richness, which were employed by their author as exempla of a rhetorical discourse that illustrated the subjugation to which the sedentary kingdoms of Michoacán in the Pátzcuaro basin were submitted to by the dominant tribe, the hunting group from the north that ultimately gained control over the other groups in Michoacán beginning in the mid-fifteenth century.


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