No. 4 (2018): Ciudades observadas y una nueva ciudadanía

Experience in the Management of Drinking Water and the Definition of Some Basic Concepts for the Introduction of the New Aqueduct of Xochimilco

María del Carmen Bernárdez de la Granja
Área de Estudios Urbanos, UAM-Azcapotzalco

Published 2018-06-30


  • Water management,
  • Infrastructures,
  • Urban water system,
  • Mexico City 19th Century

How to Cite

Experience in the Management of Drinking Water and the Definition of Some Basic Concepts for the Introduction of the New Aqueduct of Xochimilco. (2018). Antropología. Revista Interdisciplinaria Del INAH, 4, 85-98.


The problem of drinking water in Mexico City in the last third of the nineteenth century presented specific characteristics that were defining some basic concepts for the implementation of the new aqueduct of Xochimilco. The requirements of urban expansion, the incipient development Industrial and judicial litigation give an idea of the dramatic situation that the city lived in the late nineteenth century. Concessions for the production of electricity, the location of new sources of supply and problems of water distribution will define the image of the potable water system of the city of the twentieth century.


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