Published 2021-02-26
- blackness, African diaspora, identity, Mexico, Peru.
How to Cite
Blackness in Mestizo America: The Cases of Mexico and Peru. (2021). Antropología. Revista Interdisciplinaria Del INAH, 6, 99-117. https://revistas.inah.gob.mx/index.php/antropologia/article/view/16737
Through an analysis of the experiences of the members of the so-called African diaspora in Mexico and Peru, fundamental meanings included in the generated literature are contradicted. The assumption that individuals in a diaspora will share a common identity or maintain a diasporic consciousness is questioned. Likewise, the idea of a linear relationship between the memory of slavery, the understanding of ancestral antecedents, and the construction of racial identity is contradicted. Forces such as urbanization and globalization, or even exposure to the broader diaspora, do not automatically lead to diasporic consciousness.
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