No. 7 (2019): Fronteras

The Northern Trace of The Dividing Line of The Bishoprics of Mexico and Michoacan in The Sixteenth Century, from The Pre-Cortesian Mexica-Tarascan border

Published 2021-07-17


  • Frontier, tarascan, mexica, bishopric, chichimecs, wall, cosmographer, pillar.

How to Cite

The Northern Trace of The Dividing Line of The Bishoprics of Mexico and Michoacan in The Sixteenth Century, from The Pre-Cortesian Mexica-Tarascan border. (2021). Antropología. Revista Interdisciplinaria Del INAH, 7, 107-119.


The borders of the Mexica and Tarasco states had one of their key points in Acámbaro. There was a continuation of the border between these military powers to the north of this settlement. In their course, the Mexicas built an albarrada to protect the Chichimeca allies or tributaries from the attacks of the Michoacán. This dividing line reached San Miguel de los Chichimecas, and was ratified in successive decisions of commissioners of the colonial government as a demarcation between the bishoprics of Michoacán and Mexico.


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