No. 8 (2020): Nuevas miradas sobre la Conquista española. Sucesos, significados, efectos y controversias

A Cacophony of Violence: Iconographic Study of the Lienzo de Analco

Published 2021-11-09


  • conquest, Oaxaca, canvas, Analco, war, Nahuas, Zapotecs, Mixes.

How to Cite

A Cacophony of Violence: Iconographic Study of the Lienzo de Analco. (2021). Antropología. Revista Interdisciplinaria Del INAH, 8, 53-71.


This article provides an iconographical analysis of the Lienzo de Analco, a historical-cartographical manuscript produced by the indigenous allies of the conquistadors of the Sierra Norte of Oaxaca. It tells the multifaceted history of the conquest of the sierra during the course of at least five decades, starting with the dual entry of Figueroa and Barrios in 1526. Painting a detailed overview of the historical and social conditions of the region, it serves as a unifying document and merit of service to the indigenous allies who, otherwise, found themselves disenfranchised and alienated by the colonial authority.


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