Make the World a Better Place. Ideologized Narratives in Academia and the Articulation of Humanities During the sars-cov-2 Pandemic
Published 2022-01-28
- Ideologized narratives in academia, humanities, recurrent conceptual-discursive patterns.
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The coronavirus visibilizes the increasing fragmentation of the different scientific disciplines in the humanities, often sacrificing the academic-intellectual model that reflects upon society and its processes in favor of a more competitive-academic model. These late modern academic dictates obey mostly two ideological narratives of ‘making the world a better place’ and turning knowledge into an ‘intellectual capital’. As a result, we see a promotion of commodifiable scientific studies that promise to push societies to new levels of development. In this contribution we discuss these ideological narratives in academia and their effect on the articulation of the humanities during, and about, the sars-cov-2 pandemic.
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