Women, language and discrimination


  • Anna María Fernandez Poncela


Woman, language, discrimination


The text deals with verbal violence in the use of language. It surveys discrimination against women in the use of the Spanish language today.


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Author Biography

Anna María Fernandez Poncela

PhD in Anthropology. Research and Teaching Policy Department and Culture, Social Sciences and Humanities Division of the University Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco.Tiene Studies in History, Sociology and Psychology. Part of the National System of Researchers (Level II). His research has focused on issues such as participation and culture policy of men, women, adults, youth and children and analysis of culture popular through stories, legends, proverbs, songs, religious popular from the perspective of anthropology and gender. It has countless
among the leading publications include books Research
social: roads, resources, approaches and tips, Children's Song: speech and messages, Childhood, adolescence and politics, Sexe i refranyer. proverbis Catalans: discurs i on homes Missatges But gifts and i are going to be very sad,
and so you are staying. Constructions of gender in popular song Mexico, among others.



How to Cite

Fernandez Poncela, A. M. (2011). Women, language and discrimination. Revista De Estudios De Antropología Sexual, 1(3), 112–134. Retrieved from https://revistas.inah.gob.mx/index.php/antropologiasexual/article/view/577


