Cervicouteriono Cancer and sexuality. A narrative approach from sick women


  • María Del Carmen Calderón Benavides


women, gender, sexuality, cervical cancer.


Based on in-depth structured interviews for women with cervical cancer, this study was carried out in the Gynecological Tumors Unit of the Oncology Department of the Hospital General of Mexico. Posited from the framework of qualitative methodology and carried out on the basis of the narrative of the subjects, this approach allowed for disclosure made by the patients themselves, revealing their points of view on the events connected with the disease andtheir participation in these processes. The aim is to make the processes of women visible: the meaning for them of sickness and cervical cancer, a disease situated in the sexual reproductive apparatus, linked to the management of sexuality and an active sex life; the processes of adaptation and resistance to the transformations caused by disease and treatments; and the loss of organs and functions linked to subjectivity and female identity and individual, family, and social repercussions.


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Author Biography

María Del Carmen Calderón Benavides

Bachelor and Master in Clinical Psychology from the School of Psychology National Autonomous University of Mexico. PhD in Anthropology Institute for Anthropological Research in the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the National Autonomous University of México.Egresó School
National Teacher of primary education as a teacher and School Normal Superior of Mexico, where he earned a specialty in Psychology Educational. He is a psychologist attached to the unit Gynecologic Tumors Oncology Service General Hospital of Mexico, where operating care, teaching and research with women with gynecological cancer:
vulva, endometrial, ovarian, cervical and breast.



How to Cite

Calderón Benavides, M. D. C. (2013). Cervicouteriono Cancer and sexuality. A narrative approach from sick women. Revista De Estudios De Antropología Sexual, 1(4), 64–75. Retrieved from https://revistas.inah.gob.mx/index.php/antropologiasexual/article/view/813


