No. 57 (2019)

Estudio de las fechas determinadas para Cantona por el laboratorio del INAH

María Magdalena de los Rios Paredes

Published 2020-05-08


  • Cantona,
  • radiocarbon dates,
  • habitational intervals

How to Cite

Estudio de las fechas determinadas para Cantona por el laboratorio del INAH. (2020). Arqueología, 57, 98-122.


This paper presents the dates that the Dating Laboratory of the National Institute of Antthropology and History determined, through carbon analysis 14, for samples from: El Palacio, Plaza Central, Plaza Oriente, ball game sets 5, 6, 7, 15 and 23 , yards 6, 9, 22, 24 and 1445B, and several units (27) of the Cantona Project. Initially, when the 190 dates obtained from the project were taken into consideration, the peak of Cantona
was placed between 150 BC and AD 650, but later, after discarding dates from doubtful contexts, it was modified to between 150 BC and AD 425. The calculated habitational intervals for the structures with the greatest number of dates are also shown.


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