No. 58 (2019)

Análisis cromático en cerámica del Epiclásico en el Huizachtépetl: principios metodológicos y estudio de caso

Roberto Flores Ortíz
Dirección de Etnología y Antropología Social

Published 2020-05-08


  • Typology,
  • ceramics,
  • semiotics,
  • color,
  • prototype,
  • semi-symbolism,
  • formant
  • ...More

How to Cite

Análisis cromático en cerámica del Epiclásico en el Huizachtépetl: principios metodológicos y estudio de caso. (2020). Arqueología, 58, 33-49.


In archaeology the analysis of ceramic pieces is a resource that provides information about its origin, dating, location and distribution, manufacturing techniques, functions, etc., and helps in the study of peoples, traditions, and cultures. One of the tasks is to classify objects by recog-nizing their palettes and chromatic patterns, meanings and symbolism. The present descriptive and comparative study reviews two ceramic samples from the Epiclassic period from the hill of Huizachtepetl, Mexico City, by exploring the colors and chromatic differences that help to identify them and, later, to determine their periodization. The aim is to propose a classification of samples based on color. The study also proposes the principles for a semiotic color analysis applicable to archaeological studies in general.


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