Published 2020-05-08
- Zapotec,
- tombs,
- Tlailotlacan,
- Teotihuacan,
- barrio
- neigborhood ...More
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Teotihuacan interacted extensively with the rest of Mesoamerica. In the 1960s an area called Tlailotlacan or the Oaxaca Barrio was de-tected, 3 km from the Avenue of the Dead, now part of the town of San Juan Teotihuacan, where there were signs of Zapotec presence. In 2008 and 2009 the work of the Zapotec Barrio Project of the Archaeological Monuments Zone of Teotihuacan-INAH resulted in the discovery of the site dubbed TL 11 (N1-W6), along with others. Two tombs were detected, one in the fill of the west platform of the complex. One contained the remains of a girl and an offering with Zapotec vessels from the Xolalpan phase (AD 450-550); the second was found under the floor of the central patio, although it was emptied during one of the later building stages. Research indicates that the area might have been the head place of the neighborhood, because the platform of its temple was found there. The objective of this article is to reaffirm the importance of Zapotec presence in that area of Teotihuacan, based on a shared cultural or religious background.
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