No. 59 (2019)

El Paisaje y paleoambiente de Copilco antes de la erupción del Xitle

Antonio Flores-Díaz
Subdirección de Laboratorios y Apoyo Académico-INAH
Patricia Dolores Cázares Rodríguez
Subdirección de Laboratorios y Apoyo Académico-INAH

Published 2021-03-22


  • Copilco,
  • Xitle eruption,
  • paleoenvironment,
  • paleosols

How to Cite

El Paisaje y paleoambiente de Copilco antes de la erupción del Xitle. (2021). Arqueología, 59, 81-90.


This research defines the paleoenvironment of the site of Copilco prior to the eruptions of Xitle, considering the evolution of the Basin of Mexico; stratigraphic studies of the area, bibliographic analysis; and paleoclimatic convergence with Tlapacoya, State of Mexico. Background information and a review of the tunnels made it possible to discern a representative profile, formed of five layers. In addition, studies of micromor-phological, mineralogical, and biological elements were conducted. The hydrology of the Magdalena River induced processes of gleization, erosion, and the redistribution of materials, creating small lakes and marshes. The profile presents fluvial-alluvial sediment with pebbles and ceramics, organic material, coal, volcanic ash, sediment material (gley), and secondary carbonatation. It is composed of three paleosols, an Andosol (layer two and three) and two gley horizons with secondary carbonatation.


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