No. 60 (2020)

La obsidiana en Teotepec, Veracruz: análisis visual y químico para determinar fuentes de origen

Nathan D. Wilson
Universidad Veracruzana
Michael D. Glascock
Universidad de Missouri

Published 2021-07-21


  • Gulf Coast,
  • Teotepec,
  • chemical analysis studies,
  • obsidian

How to Cite

La obsidiana en Teotepec, Veracruz: análisis visual y químico para determinar fuentes de origen. (2021). Arqueología, 60, 49-65.


The visual analysis of obsidian, in combination with chemical analysis of a representative sample, has become an increasingly common and useful approach to sourcing large lithic collections. In the study presented here, we report the results of a chemical and visual analysis applied to the obsidian assemblage from the archaeological site of Teotepec, located in the Sierra de los Tuxtlas of southern Veracruz. We present general diachronic trends in the production and consumption data from the site. We also highlight the ways in which lithic consumption at the site both conforms to, and diverges from, regional and interregional patterns.


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