¿Por qué la cerámica Azteca II Negro sobre Naranja es escasa en la región de Zumpango? Una perspectiva regional desde la Cuenca de México sobre el colapso de Tula y sus repercusiones
Published 2023-09-19
- Settlement pattern,
- Chalco,
- Tollan-Mazapan ceramic complex,
- Azteca I, II, III ceramic complex,
- Culhuacán
- Tula,
- Xaltocán-Zumpango ...More
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Archaeologists have long pondered the significance of the scarcity of Aztec I and II Black-on-Orange ceramics in the northern third of the Basin of Mexico. These ceramic types are abundant only in the southern third of the Basin, with a puzzling northward extension into Xaltocan.
The southern Basin is also the only region where both Aztec I and II ceramics co-exist with ceramic complexes designated as Tollan and Mazapan farther north. Several hypotheses have been advanced, including (1) major population decline in the northern Basin following the collapse of Tula in the 12th century A.D.; (2) Aztec I and II were being produced at the same time as the Early Postclassic ceramic complexes designated as Tollan and Mazapan; (3) Aztec II Black-on-Orange had only a very short period of popularity; and 4) because of its dry climate, the northern Basin could not sustain a large population except during periods of centralized socio-political organization. This paper evaluates these inter-related hypotheses and considers whether it might be useful to apply a modified form of the Andean concept of “verticality.”
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