El Clásico en la cuenca baja del Pánuco. Aproximación a la interacción regional a través del estudio de los materiales cerámicos
Published 2024-02-29
- Huasteca,
- Classic period,
- Regional interaction,
- Social organization,
- ceramics
- Modal analysis ...More
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Archaeological works in the lower basin of the Panuco suggest that for the Classic period (200-900 AD) the region is characterized by a low population and the abandonment of the settlements of the Late Formative period (350 BC-200 AD). However, a reexamination of the available regional data for this period shows the existence of a variety of settlements of different rank and complexity, with a diverse material culture whose importance in regional development we must consider. At present, ceramic studies in the Huasteca focus on two principal issues: the construction of cultural sequences and phases, and the identification of ceramic attributes as evidence of interregional relations that explain local developments. In this article, we propose that the study of ceramic materials and their distribution during the Classic period in the lower basin of the Panuco provides information about the dynamics of regional interaction between the groups that inhabited and their role as promoters of sociocultural change.
Considering the characteristics of the Classic settlement pattern, we propose the existence of a regional organization in peer polities, where the frequency of shared ceramic attributes indicates their interaction. On a basis a sample of diagnostic materials from 58 settlements in the lower basin of the Panuco, we did a modal analysis recognizing the similarities and differences of the ceramic materials for both the Late Formative / Early Classic (100 BC-650 AD) as for the Late Classic (650-900 AD). The frequency of shared modes and their distribution between areas evidenced the existence of an intensification of interactions at the regional level related to possible sociocultural changes during the Late Classic period. These results highlight the need to rethink the emphasis placed on interregional relations as causes of development in the Huasteca area.
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