No. 65 (2021)

Análisis de captación de recursos de los sitios registrados por el Proyecto de Salvamento Arqueológico Gasoducto Samalayuca-Sásabe en Chihuahua, pertenecientes al Periodo Medio (1060-1340 d.C.)

Omar García Zepeda
Dirección de Estudios Arqueológicos-INAH

Published 2024-09-02


  • site catchment analysis,
  • middle period,
  • geographic information systems,
  • edaphology,
  • gas pipeline

How to Cite

Análisis de captación de recursos de los sitios registrados por el Proyecto de Salvamento Arqueológico Gasoducto Samalayuca-Sásabe en Chihuahua, pertenecientes al Periodo Medio (1060-1340 d.C.). (2024). Arqueología, 65, 34-55.


This paper shows the study carried out on archaeological sites registered in the Proyecto de Salvamento Arqueológico Gasoducto
Samalayuca-Sásabe in northern Chihuahua, which were dated in the Middle Period. The study focuses on the calculation of the Site Catchment
Analysis (SCA) for each site, using a workflow based on the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the study area and using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software, in such a way that polygons are obtained that cover distances of 30, 60 and 120 minutes of walking distance from each site. The results include environmental characteristics such as the type of climate, edaphology, geology, current land use and hydrological network for each site, with which inferences are made about the type of settlement and the reason why they are settled in such places.


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