Published 2024-09-02
- pottery,
- Classic Period,
- Epiclassic Period,
- funerary context,
- Bajío
- Guanajuato ...More
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As part of the archaeological salvage works in the Gas Pipeline Tula-Villa de Reyes Ramal to Salamanca (2016-2021), the Cuicillos Cuates site, located in the municipality of Apaseo el Grande in Guanajuato, was recorded and excavated. This article presents the most significant findings in this settlement, which had an important occupation in prehispanic era; as well as the result of the analysis of the ceramic objects recovered in the excavation, found in a multiple funerary context. A total of 129 complete and semi-complete pieces were examined, the majority belong to the red-on-bay ceramic tradition, incised and negative painting ceramics typical of the Bajío region.
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