No. 43 (2010)

The delineation of archaeological sites: notes to reconstruct its history

Francisco Beristain Bravo
Dirección de Registro Público de Monumentos y Zonas Arqueológicos, INAH

Published 2010-04-01

How to Cite

The delineation of archaeological sites: notes to reconstruct its history. (2010). Arqueología, 43, 7-27.


One of the most important aims of the Dirección de Registro Público de Monumentos y Zonas Arqueológicos (DRPMZA) is to protect pre-Hispanic vestiges, as well as to define their official boundaries. The delimitation of archaeological zones must satisfy three core aspects: academic, social and legal. Without them, plans that demarcate the presence and distribution of material remains are worthless. Since the office was founded in 1972, its collection of topographic surveys has aroused institutional interest because they serve as a keystone in the process of obtaining the Executive Order to establish archaeological zones.


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