No. 42 (2018): Historia de la construcción II (Tercera Época)

Transformaciones y permanencias constructivas y microclimáticas en iglesias y capillas virreinales en Yucatán

Published 2018-04-30


  • viceregal architecture,
  • religious buildings,
  • bioclimatic diagnostic,
  • construction systems,
  • digital simulation

How to Cite

Transformaciones y permanencias constructivas y microclimáticas en iglesias y capillas virreinales en Yucatán. (2018). Boletín De Monumentos Históricos, 42, 198-219.


In this work a group of viceregal religious buildings in Yucat?n was analyzed in terms of climate and construction. They lost their original roofing of masonry and wooden structures, which were replaced with modern materials, primarily reinforced concrete roofs. The aim is to determine the degree of building alteration, spatial and thermal environment with regard to its original conditions.


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