El museo: un recurso inestimable para el estudio de la historia de la construcción. Objetos, documentos, exposiciones e investigaciones del Deutsches Museum, Munich


  • Dirk Bühler


museo, exposición, colección, maqueta


Stimulated by innumerable regional and global industrial fairs held during the 19th century, the desire arose to create permanent exhibitions and finally museums of arts and industry as well as of science and technology, whose collections focus on many objects related to building and construction, among others. Today these objects can help us document and understand, present and communicate the history of construction. A prominent example of this development is the Deutsches Museum in Munich (Germany) with its collections and exhibitions, both complemented by a specialized library and an important archive. This article presents some examples selected from the original objects, models, experiments (hands-on) and documents that motivated research programs and exhibitions. This collection is evaluated as a resource for research on construction history and its presentation to the public. Furthermore, references to other museums with collections related to construction history are made.


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How to Cite

Bühler, D. (2017). El museo: un recurso inestimable para el estudio de la historia de la construcción. Objetos, documentos, exposiciones e investigaciones del Deutsches Museum, Munich. Boletín De Monumentos Históricos, (35), 33–49. Retrieved from https://revistas.inah.gob.mx/index.php/boletinmonumentos/article/view/10970