La relevancia de la existencia de los sinsignos en el mobiliario industrial


  • Martha Eugenia Alfaro Cuevas Centro Nacional de Investigación, Documentación e Información de Artes Plásticas, INBAL


México, Industrial furniture, Heritage, Restoration


In the Federal Law on Monuments and Archaeological, Artistic and Historical Areas, which was published in the Mexican Official Gazette on May 6, 1972, and which continues in force, there is no specificity regarding the industrial furniture of the 19th century; In addition, in official government agencies such as inah and inbal, there are no specialized departments dedicated to their conservation in an adequate manner. Furnishings are restored for their materials, but the functions of them are neglected and the most serious thing is that in most cases, due to carelessness or ignorance, the identity marks are lost (which in this article I will call them with the semiotic name of “sinsigns”). These small signs of identity are complex structured sets that can include important information of the furniture: name of the factory, country of origin, date of production, patents, distributing companies among other data. From the semiotic point of view, the sinsigns help to understand the specific singularities of a sign, which in this case would be a piece of furniture. The absence of these, causes that its analysis can only be done with its general qualities (qualisigns), which prevents its study in greater depth.


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Martha Eugenia Alfaro Cuevas, “La publicidad en la prensa ilustrada referente a las industrias mobiliarias en el porfiriato (1894-1914)”, Segundo Coloquio “Historia de la Publicidad” (ponencia), Aguascalientes, Universidad Autónoma de Aguas calientes, 2015.

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How to Cite

Alfaro Cuevas, M. E. (2023). La relevancia de la existencia de los sinsignos en el mobiliario industrial. Boletín De Monumentos Históricos, (48), 6–25. Retrieved from