Destejiendo a Clio
Published 2018-06-30
- historiografía,
- Chartier,
- Zermeño,
- Ortega,
- Borja
- Taylor,
- Pérez Montfort,
- historiography ...More
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Reflexiones en torno a “Escrituras de la Historia”. (2018). Con-temporánea, 9.
Writings of History is a mirror in which is regarded the work of six historians, their inspirations, methods, and analysis concerning the art of writing historical research in Bogota, Mexico, and Paris, which opens the panorama of intellectual cartography up to Germany, Great Britain, the United States, Argentina, and Brazil, places where the pens of Chartier, Zermeño, Ortega, Borja, Taylor, and Pérez Montfort were forged.
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