No. 9 (2018): Las derechas en México
Del Oficio

Las derechas mexicanas en la primera mitad del siglo XX

Tania Hernández Vicencio
Dirección de Estudios Históricos, INAH

Published 2018-06-30


  • derechas,
  • oposición política,
  • proyecto alternativo,
  • Estado mexicano,
  • Right-wing movements,
  • political opposition,
  • alternative project,
  • Mexican State
  • ...More

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This article analyzes the development of Mexican right-wing movements in the first half of the twentieth century. This complex network of actors sought to articulate an alternative project of the nation questioning the foundations of the State that arose from the Mexican Revolution of 1910 and specific aspects of its principal political-ideological product: the Constitution of 1917. Its proposals sought the consolidation of a State promoting an alliance with the masses, while it hoisted the defense of collective versus private property, the principle of secularism against the power of the Catholic Church, and the indigenous heritage over the Hispanic legacy. In this context conservative groups and liberal sectors of society clashed with the State over strategies of political and social organization, education, property rights, and the values that should govern public space and the morals of Mexican society.


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