No. 9 (2018): Las derechas en México
Expediente H

Vertientes, redes y proyectos de las derechas uruguayas en el siglo XX: Una charla con…Magdalena Broquetas

Published 2018-06-12


  • derechas uruguayas,
  • vertientes ideológicas,
  • batllismo,
  • Partido Nacional,
  • Partido Colorado,
  • Red Party,
  • National Party,
  • Batllism,
  • ideological aspects,
  • Uruguayan right-wing movements
  • ...More

How to Cite

Vertientes, redes y proyectos de las derechas uruguayas en el siglo XX: Una charla con…Magdalena Broquetas. (2018). Con-temporánea, 9.


On August 10, 2017, the Seminar on Right-Wing Movements in Mexico of the Department of Historical Studies of INAH received Dr. Madgalena Broquetas, who gave a talk addressing aspects, networks, and projects of right-wing movements in Uruguay in the twentieth century through history and historiography. Dr. Broquetas reflected on the challenges of reaching a consensus definition broad enough to see what is meant by the right. In her opinion, the most reliable path to historically study the right is to analyze them in their different historical contexts, which define a more complex, but analytically richer panorama. In her talk, she specifically addressed the case of Uruguayan right-wing movements though a brief historical survey of key moments in the twentieth century.


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