No. 10 (2018): Historia y Narrativa
Del Oficio

Entre el poscolonialismo y la alteridad revolucionaria: la descolonización africana en el itinerario de la revolución cubana

Published 2018-12-31


  • Internacionalistas cubanos,
  • Cuba,
  • África,
  • Poscolonialismo,
  • Descolonización

How to Cite

Entre el poscolonialismo y la alteridad revolucionaria: la descolonización africana en el itinerario de la revolución cubana. (2018). Con-temporánea, 10, 80-99.


This article reviews the historical relationship of Cuba with the African continent, in the era of postcolonialism and decolonization, proposing a different perspective derived from new questions to old topics analyzed from the point of view of historiography. López Ávalos proposes a revision from the otherness of the Cuban internationalists, the "Cuban" and the "African"; as well as the context of the Afro-Asian relationship, the USSR, China, the Cold War and the emergence of new Nation-States.


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