No. 15 (2021): Con-temporánea
Destejiendo a Clio

A reeducarse todos: Fratelli Tutti y los movimientos sociales

Published 2022-06-21


  • Pope Francis, Encyclical Fratelli Tutti, social movements in the seventies in Mexico, social fronts and coordinators.

How to Cite

A reeducarse todos: Fratelli Tutti y los movimientos sociales . (2022). Con-temporánea, 8(15), 63-72.


It is argued that the Fratelli Tutti Encyclical is a powerful call to create new communities in this historical epoch trapped by extreme individualism and societies fragmented into solitary, non-solidary identities. Hence, it is essential to recover the historical experiences where common ties and purposes of many have been built, so that this message crystallizes in new communities.


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  1. Francisco [Jorge Mario Bergoglio], Carta encíclica Fratelli tutti