No. 16 (2021): Con-temporánea
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¿Necesitamos más llamados de atención? ¡Es hora de prepararnos! El caso de la pandemia de la influenza española

Nils Erik Volden
Director de Nødtaktikk Norge (Tácticas de Emergencia de Noruega). Exdirector del Instituto Nacional de Operaciones de Emergencia en México.

Published 2023-01-11


  • influenza of 1918, diseases, pandemics, Norway.

How to Cite

¿Necesitamos más llamados de atención? ¡Es hora de prepararnos! El caso de la pandemia de la influenza española. (2023). Con-temporánea, 16, 84-96.


The article intends to show the importance of studying the past to have a perspective of the way in which epidemics and pandemics develop, and with it, to be able to generate proposals that help mitigate their impact. A specific panorama of the 1918 influenza is presented and the causes that caused the incubation of this disease in the European battlefields, which not only had a rapid development, but also caused high mortality rates in a population that did not not only was he suffering from malnutrition but he was also severely affected by the war. The research exposes the case of Norway where half of the population was affected, but the mortality rate was minimal as only 1% of the patients died, many of whom belonged to the Sami ethnic group.


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