No. 1 (2014): Toda la historia en el presente
Del Oficio

Genealogías libertarias o de por qué me puse a estudiar a Francisco Ferrer Guardia

Anna Ribera Carbó
Dirección de Estudios Históricos, INAH.

Published 2014-06-30


  • Anarchism,
  • Catalonia,
  • Modern School,
  • Francisco Ferrer Guardia.

How to Cite

Genealogías libertarias o de por qué me puse a estudiar a Francisco Ferrer Guardia. (2014). Con-temporánea, 1.


This article explains how family history, linked to Catalan anarchism since the first years of the XXth century and until the Spanish Civil War, is the origin and plot line of a historical research project about Francisco Ferrer Guardia and his Modern School pedagogical project.


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