Juventudes de derecha de los años sesenta en América Latina


  • Ernesto Bohoslavsky Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Latin American right-wing groups, transnational networks, connected history


Bohoslavsky highlights three fundamental perspectives for the study of right-wing groups: the analysis of their ideas or their doctrinal corpus, the identification of actors and their interests, and the study of their representations and practices; pointing out that the latter is usually more productive for complex analysis. Bohoslavsky argues that one of the most important findings of recent years is that Latin American rights have been much more transnational than previously believed and that the bonds between their different actors are more frequent, productive, and intense than was supposed.


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Transcripción editada de la conferencia impartida en Conversando con... Ernesto Bohoslavsky. Dirección de Estudios Históricos, 20 de julio de 2016



How to Cite

Bohoslavsky, E. . (2019). Juventudes de derecha de los años sesenta en América Latina. Con-temporánea, (11), 127–133. Retrieved from https://revistas.inah.gob.mx/index.php/contemporanea/article/view/15041