The French school of the anthropology of techniques: from the sociology of Mauss to current applications used in archeology in Mexico


  • Chloé Pomedio


Archeology, anthropology of techniques, technical facts, operational chain, material analysis


The present text covers the advances in the ideas, concepts and theoretical reflections on the French school of the anthropology of techniques from a diachronic perspective, with regard to the current context of the analysis of archaeological materials and artifacts. From the first contributions of the precursors of the Durkheim and Mauss sociology school at the end of the 19th Century, regarding the concept of social fact, and the first sociological definitions of technique and technical fact, this article proposes a synthetic journey covering the main advances of the French anthropologists and archaeologists who developed a theory of the anthropology of techniques. We also present contributions from Leroi-Gourhan who, through his achievements in the field of anthropology -and in particular the study of the prehistoric period- established in his publications the definition of key concepts such as those of technique and tendency. Lemonnier and Cresswell deepened the said theoretical reflections and considered the need to think about the study of material culture based on the technical system of a society and the manufacturing chain.”
The understanding, use and timely integration of these concepts in current archaeological works carried out in Mexico are also discussed.


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How to Cite

Pomedio, C. (2019). The French school of the anthropology of techniques: from the sociology of Mauss to current applications used in archeology in Mexico. Cuicuilco Revista De Ciencias Antropológicas, 25(72), 51–70. Retrieved from



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