The brief and extensive world of a Korean mission in Mexico City


  • Dinora Lizeth Contreras Aragón


Contemporary worlds, transnational connections, Korean Christianity, Korean diaspora in Mexico City, Korean culture.


The purpose of this text is to provide an ethnographic outline with regard to the world of a Christian Baptist church of Korean origin based in Mexico City, along with the relationships established by its members. The text explains how this meeting place for religious worship was also created as a space for intercultural interaction whereby Koreans and non-Koreans come together in the context of the practice of Christianity, intermingled with cultural exchange; the Korean culture being predominant. The concept of the said world is managed from the proposal of Marc Augé, which refers to contemporary worlds and the anthropology of the present.


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How to Cite

Contreras Aragón, D. L. (2019). The brief and extensive world of a Korean mission in Mexico City. Cuicuilco Revista De Ciencias Antropológicas, 26(75), 171–199. Retrieved from