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Rap from other expressions.

Meeting and listening practices from feminisms


  • Adriana Guadalupe Dávila Trejo


Rap, youth, feminism, experiences, listening.


In this paper I would like to share the first notes and concerns that led me to structure my current research project, along with a selection of my results. By way of anthropology, I am interested in increasing the dialogue around the participation of women in music. Thinking specifically of young rappers, and of their articulation with feminism, helps me set the tone to portray their complexity, not only as active social subjects in music, but also as political subjects who employ a variety of artistic and cultural activities to impart the knowledge and feelings, which thus represent insights into their existence.
In this way, not only is their music considered, but rather the intersections and political positions that exist within close and subjective relationships among women, through the use of the word, the body and life experience, whilst -at the same time-recognizing how these rappers actívate, or develop, the senses, particularly listening, so as to weave other dialogues and create spaces of identification based on the said experiences.


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How to Cite

Dávila Trejo, A. G. (2022). Rap from other expressions. : Meeting and listening practices from feminisms. Cuicuilco Revista De Ciencias Antropológicas, 29(83), 111–128. Retrieved from