Arqueología y etnohistoria


  • José Antonio Pérez Gollán Departamento de Prehistoria, INAH
  • Bruce Graham Trigger


Arqueología, Etnohistoria




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Author Biography

Bruce Graham Trigger

Profesor en el Departamento de Antropología de la Universidad de McGill. Montreal, Canadá. Ha publicado importantes trabajos, entre ellos: "The jestruction of Huronia" (1960), "Settlement asan aspect of lroquoian adaptation at the time of contact" (1963). "Oder and lreedom in Huron society" (1963). "History and Settlement in Lower Nubia" (1965). "Beyond History. The methods of Prehistory" (1968). "The Hurons. Farmers ot the Nonh" (1969). "The strategy ol troquoian prehistory" (1970). "Aims in prehistoric archaeology" (1970). En 1979 le fue conferida, por su obra The children of Aataentsic, la "Cornplanter Medal for lroquois Aesearch'' instituida por la Cayuga Country Historical Society de Auburn. Nueva York para honrar a aquellas personas que han hecho contribuciones notables al estudio de la cultura iroquesa.


Bailey, A. G. The Conflict of European and Eastern Algoljiam Cultures. 1405-1700. New Brunswick Museum, St. John. 1937.

Bindford, L. R. Comments. Current Anthopology. Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 234-235. 1967.

Childe, V. G. The Dawn of European Civilization. Kegan Paul. London. 1925. Cohen, M,N. The Food Crisis in Prehistory: Overpopulation and the Origins of Agriculture, Yale University Press. New Haven. 1977.

Hickerson, Harold. The Chippewa and their Neighbors: A Study in Ethnohistory. Holt, Rinehart and Winston. New York. 1970.

Innis, H. A. The Fur Trade in Canada. Yale University Press. New Haven. 1930.

Redfield, R. R. Linton and M. J. Herskovits. Outline for the Study of Acculturation. American Anthropologist. Vol. 38, pp. 149-152.

Spicer, E. H. (editor) Perspective in American Indian Cultural Change. University of Chicago Press. Chicago, 1961.

Spicer, E. H. Cycles of Conquest. University of Arizona Press. Tucson. 1962.

Spicer, E. H. Acculturation. D. L. Shils, ed. International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 83-91. 1968.

Sterud, E. L. Comments on Relative Chronology. Norwegian Archaeological Review. Vol. 9, No. 9, pp. 83-91. 1976.

Trigger, B. G. The Children of Aataentsic: A History of th Huron People to 1660. 2 volumes. McGill-Queen's University Press. Montreal. 1976.

"Etnohistory and Archeology". Ontario Archaeology, No. 30, pp. 17-24. Traducción por José Antonio Perez.



How to Cite

Pérez Gollán, J. A., & Trigger, B. G. (2023). Arqueología y etnohistoria. Cuicuilco Revista De Ciencias Antropológicas, 1(2), 11–17. Retrieved from