Niveles de realidad y pluralismo metodológico


  • Ramón Alvarado Jiménez UAM-Xochimilco


Antropología, Metodología




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Berman, M., All That is Solid Melts into Air. The Experience of Modernity, Trad. español. Todo lo sólido se desvanece en el aire, S. XXI, México.

Bernstein, R., The Restructuring of Social and Politlcal Theory, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 1978.—BeyondObjétivism and Relativism,Unwersfy of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia.

Brown, Richard Harvey, A Poetic for Sociology, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1989. Primera edición, Cambridge University Press, 1977.

Lowy, M., Rédemption et Utopia, P.U.F., París.

Roth, P„ Meaning and Method in the Social Sciences: A Case for Methodological Pluralism, Cornell University Press,. Ithaca.

Thomas, D., Naturalism and Social Science: A Post-Empiricist Philosophy of Social Science, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Tudor, A., Beyond Emplricism: Philosophy of Science in Sociology, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1982.



How to Cite

Alvarado Jiménez, R. (2023). Niveles de realidad y pluralismo metodológico. Cuicuilco Revista De Ciencias Antropológicas, 9(25), 39–44. Retrieved from