Alineamientos astronómicos en el sitio arqueológico Cerro de la Estrella, D.F.


  • Ivan Šprajc Prajnc Dirección de Registro Público de Monumentos y Zonas Arqueológicos, INAH


Astronomía, Arqueología, Cerro de la Estrella, Ciudad de México


The article explores the significance of the orientation ofthe Postclassical pyramid at Cerro de la Estrella, as well as of tíre alignments to some prominent peaks on the local horizon. Since various sunrise and sunset dates corresponding to the alignments are separated by calendrically significant intervals, it is argued they allowed the scheduliiig of agricultural and associated ritual activities in the yearly cycle.


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How to Cite

Šprajc Prajnc, I. (2024). Alineamientos astronómicos en el sitio arqueológico Cerro de la Estrella, D.F. Cuicuilco Revista De Ciencias Antropológicas, 8(21), 251–262. Retrieved from