Una aproximación arqueológica a la temática del color en el México antiguo
Color, Percepción, Cognición, Simbolismo, MesoaméricaAbstract
An outstanding subject in the Mexican archaeological studies is that to take up about the color of the archaeological objects in a Uve society. Today, the ancient remains likewise the practices of the ethnic groups descendant from the Precolumbian peoples testify that the chromatic scale is linked with the ritual Ufe of the societies. The systematic research of this issue will give new lights about the symbolic behavior involúcrate in their ritual Systems. So, haré I putforward a proposalfor the analyses of the colors visión in the ancient México. In this, we discuss the theoretical contributions about chromaticsfrom the anthropology, in the perception field and the cultural meaning. Second, we observe the contributions in this issuefor Mesoamerica from the several anthropological areas, to pay attention to symbolic meaning as the main point. At last, we detach hozo the archaeology can to approach the chromatic phenomenoji.
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