The Caribbean in the conquest of Mexico


  • Francisco Ortiz Pedraza Dirección de Antropología Física-INAH.


The Caribbean, Conquers-Mexico


After the arrival of the Europeans to the Caribbean islands in 1492, this region acquired an important and strategic role to continue the exploration and the discovery of other places for organizing the conquest and colonization of new areas. In the Caribbean, the Spanish empire would rehearse in the New World the administrative structures that allowed him to dominate and to administer the immense empire that they began to form there. Also in that place, the philosophical and ideological fight that began in the Old World continued and the humanism was able to be proved and fight against the feudalism. Of course, we will see how each tendency in the XVI century won a part of the battle and of the land.


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How to Cite

Ortiz Pedraza, F. (2003). The Caribbean in the conquest of Mexico. Cuicuilco Revista De Ciencias Antropológicas, 10(29), 13–24. Retrieved from